Solynta true potato seeds

Joost van Regteren on the new technologies that are revolutionizing agriculture

Joost van Regteren was interviewed by Authority Magazine on the new technologies that are revolutionizing agriculture

Solynta true potato seeds

Solynta featured in Brownfield Ag News on true potato seeds

Charles Miller, spoke with Meghan Grebner from Brownfield Ag News about the future of potato crops. Charles discussed why true potato seeds are part of the solution to more stable and economical operations for farmers.

Solynta true potato seeds

Solynta in Agriculture Dive on the importance of change management in agriculture

Solynta’s director of strategic alliances shares why the adoption of agriculture technology has been successful in the potato industry and how other sectors can similarly adopt more efficient and sustainable farming practices.

Solynta true potato seeds

Revolutionizing Potato Production: The Role of Hybrid True Potato Seeds in Overcoming Supply Shortages

In this BLOG, Charles Miller shares his views on the chances of Revolutionizing Potato Production: The Role of Hybrid True Potato Seeds in Overcoming Supply Shortages

Solynta’s True-Seed Breakthrough revolutionizing potatoes – interview with Charles Miller at ASTA conference

Seed World U.S. editor Aimee Nielson interviewed Charles Miller at the American Seed Trade Association’s Vegetable and Flower Conference in Monterey, California.

Solynta true potato seeds

Innovating Potato Security: Navigating Global Challenges with Hybrid True Potato Seeds

In this BLOG, Charles Miller shares his views on how the global agricultural landscape can navigate global potato security challenges with HTPS.

Kenyan Farmers Commit To Another Season of Hybrid Potatoes- Solynta Field Report

Late blight is the nemesis of potato farmers worldwide, notorious for causing the Irish potato famine and regularly wreaking havoc…

Shoot Growth Parameters of Potato Seedlings are Determined by Light and Temperature Conditions

This study’s results provide a starting point for further research on optimizing hybrid seedling production for field transplanting

Greenbridge and Solynta first hybrid potato trial shows promising results for Egypt and the region

Egypt is gradually become one of the fastest growing exporters of potatoes. Many freshly harvested potatoes from this region are…

Podcast “Farm of the Future”

Listen to the podcast “Farm of the Future” on innovative potato breeding with Tim Hammerich and Solynta’s Charles Miller.