
Potato futures: impact of hybrid varieties

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Report of an online conference held on November 30 2020 in Doorn the

This report describes the proceedings, discussion items and opinions about the impact of hybrid
potato, expressed during a one day conference on November 30th, 2020. The main emphasis is
on the industrialised world with Europe as an example and on lower income economies with
Africa as an example. The speakers represented various stakeholders from private industries,
universities and research centres, donor organisations, non-governmental organisations and
policy makers. There was a common understanding that hybrid potato has great potential for
future food security on a global scale, but the impact on potato systems may be regarded as a
paradigm shift and will require major adjustments of existing potato systems. The joint and
collaborate efforts of all partners in these systems is required for a successful implementation.
This report describes the subjects presented and discussed at the conference in great detail. To
help the reader, key messages are described at the start of each section.


Dirk Stemerding, Independent researcher Biotechnology & Society,
Jac. A.A.Swart, Researcher at the Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen (ESRIG) - University of Groningen
Pim Lindhout, R&D Booster - Solynta
Judith Jacobs, Coalition Builder, Potato Sector Development - Netherlands Food Partnership

