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distribution / logistics / transport / import / start material / clean / CO2 reduction 


Due to the volume of seed-tubers the transport comes at a both economical and sustainable high cost, and these are expected to increase even further. If the transport volume of the demanded starting material can be reduced this will benefit both economical and sustainable impact


Solynta brings a solution to this as the transport cost of HTPS are a fraction of the cost involved when importing seed-tuber material. In fact, 25 gr of HTPS is required to plant a hectare whereas importing seed-tubers would require a voluminous 2500 kg to plant the same hectare. Next to economical savings also a reduction in CO2 emission can be expected.

transport / start material / quality /  


Starting material in the form of seed-tubers consist for about 80% of water and is therefore, among other factors, susceptible to quality loss. This susceptibility constrains the transport of seed-tubers in both time and space. In addition, shipping seed tubers (which contain soil) bring the risk of moving diseases with the seed tubers. These diseases not only reduce the quality of the seed tubers but also are a risk to existing potato growing areas in the destination country.


Solynta's true seeds are light-weight, clean, disease-free and can be stored for long periods of time. This provides the opportunity to receive high quality true seeds at any desired moment of the year, store it over seasons, and easily transport it to any potato production location anytime and anywhere in the world. This gives growers the opportunity to regain control over their own business.